All services listed in this section can be accessed directly without speaking to a Clinician.
These links are for services that support you to stay physically well:
- LiveWell Dorset: Searchable directory of community groups, services and activities. Telephone: 0800 840 1628
- Health App Finder: Health ‘apps’ can be used on your smartphone or tablet to help support your health and wellbeing. Many are completely free.
- Health A to Z: NHS information & advice on all health conditions
- REACH: If you are looking for some help to address your own or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol. Telephone: 0800 0434656
- Drug Addiction: If you need treatment for drug addiction, you’re entitled to NHS care in the same way as anyone else who has a health problem.
- Active Dorset activity finder: Search for local organisations and sessions on Activity Finder