Order your repeat prescription online at a time that suits you.
Your details and information are protected by the highest standards of online security, so all you need to worry about is what to do with the spare time you’ve earnt.
Problems ordering your prescription online?
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat Prescriptions can be ordered in the following ways:
- Order repeat medication online via the link at the top of this page: You can make requests for repeat prescriptions without having to visit the practice.
- Alternatively drop in your repeat slip marking the items required clearly.
If you wish your prescription to be posted to you please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
Your prescription can be taken to a chemist if you indicate this on the repeat request. Please allow one extra day before collection.
Sign up to our online services via the surgery website to order your repeat prescriptions over the internet.
To avoid prescribing errors we are not able to take orders over the telephone.
Two working days notice is required for repeat prescriptions. Prescriptions ordered on a Friday will not be ready until Tuesday afternoon. If you are requesting any additional items which do not appear on your form, please allow 3 full working days in order for the Doctor to check and authorise the issue.
Please plan ahead and leave yourself at least 5 days of tablets prior to putting in your order.
You don’t need to see your doctor for regular repeat medications unless your doctor has asked specifically for you to attend the surgery.