Service Dorset All Age Eating Disorder
This is a link to our webpage which offers lots of information and resources to patients, parents and carers including contact information.
General Mental Health
- ConnectionsA 24/7 helpline for Dorset residents or visitors in mental health crisis: : 0800 652 0190 or call 111 and select the option for mental health
- Samaritans
24/7 helpline offering phone, email, letter or app support. Call on: 116 123 or visit
- SHOUTMental health text support line open 24/7
- Text “SHOUT” to 85258
Eating Disorder specific
Eating disorder helplines open 365 days a year, 9am-8pm weekdays and 4pm-8pm weekends and bank holidays- Adults (for anyone 18+ to contact e.g. parents, teachers etc.): 0808 801 0677 or email:
- Students: 0808 801 0811 or email
- Young people (under 18): 0808 801 0711 or email
- Online 1:1 web chat:
Online Support
- BEATDuring Covid-19, BEAT is running a series of online support groups. These can be accessed through their website:
- Monday 6.45pm – Anorexia support group
- Tuesday and Friday 6.45pm – Binge eating disorder support group
- Wednesday and Saturday 6.45pm – Bulimia support group
- Sunday 6.45pm- Carers support group
They also offer chat rooms open outside of these hours
- F.E.A.S.T:
F.E.A.S.T (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders) offer a free ‘First 30 days’ course, which follows the FBT approach and aims to “Transform parents into empowered caregivers in 30 days.”
Carers receive daily email contact to support them with caring for their loved one with an eating disorder and it links them into a support network.
- The Recovery Education Centre
Dorset Recovery Education Centre usually offer in-person courses around a range of mental health and wellbeing topics. Due to Covid-19 they are operating remotely, and information, including resources such as Podcasts can be accessed via their website at:
- Rise Up and Recover (free)
- Eating disorder specific app allowing users to input their intake without reference to calorie counting. Offers mood tracking, coping tools and suggestions for distraction techniques
- RR Eating Disorder Management
- Recovery record app, allowing you to record intake, while providing some support and motivation.
- Virtual Hopebox (free)
- NHS app for mental health and wellbeing uses principles of CBT
- Distraction techniques, inspirational quotes, relaxation techniques and coping tools
- Headspace (monthly subscription)
- Mindfulness/meditation
- Monthly fee- but free trial and free with Spotify Premium for students
- Calm
- Meditation, improve sleep and reduce anxiety
- Free to download, however costs associated with a subscription service for some elements of the app
- Smiling Minds
- Mindfulness and meditation app
- Free of charge
Binge eating support
- Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher Fairburn
Support with normalising eating pattern, reducing binging and purging behaviours
For parents/carers:
- General advice and skills
Skills Based Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder by Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith and Anna Crane
- Family-based therapy for anorexia nervosa
Surviving FBT by Maria Ganci- A short introduction to family-based therapy, the NICE-recommended treatment for anorexia nervosa for under 19s, for family members.
- Please be mindful that we do not recommend the meal plan section of this book and for dietetic advice please speak to a healthcare professional
- Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder (Second Edition) by James Lock and Daniel Le Grange
- Recovered voice (16+)
- Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too by Jenni Schaefer
- Goodbye Ed, Hello Me: Recover from Your Eating Disorder and Fall in Love with Life by Jenni Schaefer
Information and worksheets
YouTube videos
- Biology of eating disorders:
- Eating Disorders from the Inside Out: Laura Hill at TEDxColumbus by TEDx Talks (18:48)
- Meal coaching:
- Help your child eat with trust, not logic: the bungee jump (Anorexia and other eating disorders) by Eva Musby (5:26)
- Explaining Family Based Treatment and Its Evidence by BrainFit (14:20)
- Meal support and coaching by KeltyMentalHealth – this is a playlist of videos and the Eating Disorders Meal Support: Helpful Approaches for Families (35:27) is especially useful
- Recovered voice:
- After anorexia: Life’s Too Short to Weigh your Cornflakes | Catherine Pawley | TEDxLeamingtonSpa by TEDx Talks (18:07)
- “What if” I Actually Recovered? | Rebecca Leung | TEDxYouth@AISHK by TEDx Talks (11:21)
- Distress tolerance:
- FEAST of Knowledge 2020 – 02 Distress Tolerance by F.E.A.S.T. Videos (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (49:36)