Important information relating to collection of paperwork from the Practice.
To better protect your personal healthcare information, we are tightening our guidelines on collection of any personal information from the Practice.
If you have requested any forms to be completed, copies of documents etc, we ask, if possible, you provide us with an email address so that these can be sent electronically.
If you do not have a digital device and need to collect a paper document, please note from the Monday 27th November 2023;
We will need proof of identity
This may be driving licence, passport or utility bill.
We will not release any paperwork without proof of identity.
If you are collecting on behalf of someone else, we will need;
A written form of authorisation from that person confirming that they are happy for you to collect on your behalf. You will need proof of identity as above.
You will need to sign for any documents picked up from the Practice.
When you request any document for collection you will be told that you will need to bring proof of identity.
We thank you for your co-operation.